
The Birth Of Genesi

Before there was anything, there was another something, a Great Elsewhere that cannot be perceived, that cannot be properly understood. And in that Great Elsewhere, there were beings, being that likewise cannot be perceived, that likewise cannot be properly understood. These beings have names like all things have names, but only the name of one of these beings is known, and the name of that being comes down to us as Maria. And Maria, the unknowable being of the Great Elsewhere, dreamt like all things dreamt.

There was, in the unknowable mind of Maria, a black Void, an empty space, a canvas upon which the being could paint her dreams, and in the unknowable sleep of Maria, a great white stone disc appeared, hung from the black Void, solid and real. And in her dream, Maria named the stone disc ‘Prymia,’ which, in her unknowable mind, would mean many things, such as “The First Place,” or “The Beginning,” or “The Stage.” And Prymia, then, existed, somehow tied to the mind of Maria and somehow separate and real in the Void in her mind that existed, somehow, outside of the Great Elsewhere.

And before Maria awoke in the Great Elsewhere, she dreamt a dream of herself, first as a collection of stone white bones cut from Prymia, a collection of bones that Maria animated with her thought, brought together by the will of Maria, each of the bones carved from the white stone and fitted together and strung with nerve and muscle and then sheathed in a snow white flesh that matched the white stone of Prymia. And the silent form of the dream of Maria laid upon the carved rock of Prymia, an idol, a doll, until Maria dreamt a pair of emerald eyes and the breath of life and the spark of will into the white form. And suddenly beset with emerald eyes and the breath of life and the spark of will, the dream of Maria sat upright on the stone surface of Prymia, and now independent from the Dreamer, from Maria, she stood, imbued with the thought and the impulse of the Dreamer, but wholly separate from her.

And on the white stone, the dream of Maria, the independent dream of Maria renamed herself Genesi, which, in the unknowable mind of Maria, would mean many things, such as “The First One,” “The Executrix,” or “The Queen.” And Genesi was full of the impulse of the Dreamer, tasked in the Dream to build the world as imagined by Maria, as imagined by the Dreamer sleeping a deep sleep in the Great Elsewhere. And Genesi, the white dream of Maria, was given all the power of the Dreamer, and the plans of the Dreamer, of the Architect Maria, bloomed in the new mind of Genesi.

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